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As of Monday, October 28th the Mitchell & Abbott Group will now be located on the 2nd floor in the same building in Suite 202. Elevator access is available.

The Mitchell & Abbott Group
Insurance Brokers Limited

2000 Garth Street, Suite 202
Hamilton, Ontario
L9B 0C1

Tel: 905-385-6383
Fax: 905-385-7905
Toll-Free (Ontario): 1-800-463-5208
Toll-Free (Canada & USA): 1-800-461-9462


The right insurance protection for you

As independent insurance brokers, the firm is not committed to any one company or product. Our knowledge, experience and research capabilities enable us to develop flexible, customized insurance packages for your business, operations and employees.

Some of clients include Tim Horton's, Wendy's, Harvey's, Turtle Jack's, and Swiss Chalet