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How to Get the Best Value

To ensure you get the best value from your car insurance policy:

  • Build a good driving history free of accidents and convictions. This means driving safely!
  • Don't pay for coverage you don't need. For example, if you have an old car, it may not be worth having collision and comprehensive coverage.
  • Consider higher deductibles. This means you'll contribute more toward the cost of your claim if you have an accident, but it will also mean a lower premium.
  • Make sure you always pay your premium on time. If you pay your premium by cheque or through automatic withdrawals from your bank account, make sure you always have enough money to cover your payment. If your insurance company is unable to withdraw your payment because you don't have enough money in the account, it could result in the cancellation of your car insurance policy.

The right insurance protection for you

As independent insurance brokers, the firm is not committed to any one company or product. Our knowledge, experience and research capabilities enable us to develop flexible, customized insurance packages for your business, operations and employees.

Some of clients include Tim Horton's, Wendy's, Harvey's, Turtle Jack's, and Swiss Chalet