About Mitchell & Abbott
Founded in 1921, Mitchell & Abbott is built on relationships. With the client at the center of all we do, we take a holistic approach to our service model. We are proud of our accomplishments over the years, including that we have had the opportunity to be the insurance broker for Canada’s favorite coffee chain for over 40 years. In addition, we are proud to have pioneered the concept of senior discounts on auto insurance for Ontario drivers and were the brokers who started the “Grey Power” Insurance phenomenon.
As a Navacord Broker Partner, one of Canada’s largest commercial brokers, Mitchell & Abbott offers increased sector expertise, expanded product offerings and stronger relationships with insurance companies. This means we’re able to deliver a more diverse service offering, greater support, and more creative insurance solutions to better meet our clients’ needs.
Strongly committed to our clients across Canada, The Mitchell & Abbott Group are pleased to provide our personalized service, and customized insurance protection.

As the pioneers of the mature/senior insurance discounts, we consider ourselves Group Insurance Experts and are proud to be the endorsed broker of the ICS.
Let Us Help You Grow, Contact Us Today
- 1-800-463-5208
- ics@mitchellabbottgrp.com
- mitchellandabbott.com
- 2000 Garth Street, Suite 202 Hamilton, Ontario L9B 0C1